
Julie Duffy

A major cow-tastrophe

Published 5 months ago • 1 min read

I was scrolling through my email, looking for things to delete, when I saw an email from a business friend.

Out of loyalty, I opened it.

The email was full of great, life-changing information.

Sadly, what she wrote in the FIRST LINE guaranteed that almost no one would read it.

What did she do wrong? And how can you avoid it? I’m glad you asked.

I made you a video to explain, so that your emails won’t end up unread and in the trash.

(it will also explain why there’s a cow in the title of this email)

Watch it now It’s only 4:30 minutes long

Let's begin,


Julie Duffy

Tell Stories. Be Human. Sell Stuff.

Writer Julie Duffy trains email marketers and entrepreneurs in storytelling secrets from the world of fiction and film, so you can create marketing emails and scripts that connect with your audience, week after week, even if you've struggled with writing in the past. Get the Email Marketing Storytelling Guide now.

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